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We will try to update this page with larger content stories as we are able, but for now, the best place to see snapshot views of where we are at is Instagram. You can follow the WAWWE feed WAWWEmeals, as well as Clay's farm specific feed, Soil Shepherd.
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Transition Saltspring Comes to the WAWWE Farm
Transition Saltspring and WAWWE joined forces for an amazing event at WAWWE farm September 15th. VIP donors from Transition Saltspring were invited to tour the farm, and then have a conversation...
Transition Saltspring Comes to the WAWWE Farm
Transition Saltspring and WAWWE joined forces for an amazing event at WAWWE farm September 15th. VIP donors from Transition Saltspring were invited to tour the farm, and then have a conversation...

100% Electric Refrigerated Delivery Van!
If you live on Saltspring, you may have noticed our new delivery van on the roads! In keeping with our mission to provide local food sustainably, we have extended our group...
100% Electric Refrigerated Delivery Van!
If you live on Saltspring, you may have noticed our new delivery van on the roads! In keeping with our mission to provide local food sustainably, we have extended our group...

The Turkeys ... and Duck
Although a plant based food venture, WAWWE has been adding to the biodiversity of our soil regeneration by utilizing animals. At this time, primarily birds; a mix of 5 breeds...
The Turkeys ... and Duck
Although a plant based food venture, WAWWE has been adding to the biodiversity of our soil regeneration by utilizing animals. At this time, primarily birds; a mix of 5 breeds...

Lots of progress at the farm
We have done a tremendous amount of work getting the farm ready for production! Big changes and additions in vermiculture, soil regeneration, water recirculation systems, composting facilities and indoor and greenhouse growing...
Lots of progress at the farm
We have done a tremendous amount of work getting the farm ready for production! Big changes and additions in vermiculture, soil regeneration, water recirculation systems, composting facilities and indoor and greenhouse growing...

WAWWE is a Social Enterprise
What is a social enterprise? Are you really not taking ANY profits out of this business?
WAWWE is a Social Enterprise
What is a social enterprise? Are you really not taking ANY profits out of this business?

We have big news!
Announcing the end of our pilot test program and a doubling down of our efforts to provide this service on Salt Spring!
We have big news!
Announcing the end of our pilot test program and a doubling down of our efforts to provide this service on Salt Spring!