WAWWE provides an alternate way to feed your family

WAWWE is a Social Enterprise - founded on community building rather than profit building. We provide nutritious food at very affordable rates. Wholesome ingredients are sourced from sustainable local farms directly into our local kitchen where our team of amazing Salt Spring chefs prepare them into delicious meals. These are delivered fresh to your doorstep with electric vehicles and zero single-use packaging. Containers are collected during our next delivery, washed and refilled with another day’s healthy and delicious food.

WAWWE makes it possible to shift effortlessly to a full or partial plant-based diet

Our meal service includes 13 plant-based meals per week. It provides a great foundation for either a full or partial plant-based diet. WAWWE meals as well as snacks, desserts and pantry items from other great local kitchens can also be purchased a la carte and included in your delivery. 

Every WAWWE meal you eat or gift makes the world a better place

Together we can support humanity’s shift into a healthy relationship with food. Not only will you feel amazing from eating nutritious and delicious WAWWE food, but your actions will have an immediate and positive impact on our community and planet. Our collective success is measured by the number of truly planet-friendly meals we serve each week. Every dollar we earn will be reinvested into making our meals available to more people, while decreasing the negative environmental impact of how food is currently produced and consumed.

Join the WAWWE movement - changing the world one bite at a time!

  • Eliminate single-use food packaging
  • Stop financially supporting destructive farming practices
  • Start financially supporting sustainable, regenerative farming
  • Eliminate preservatives and other unnecessary additives in your diet
  • Get at least 6 hours a week back for yourself. Take back the time spent grocery shopping, preparing food, meal planning, dishwashing, packing lunches for school or work, and managing recycling, composting, and garbage.
  • Significantly reduce usage of gas, electricity, dish soap and water

We Are What We Eat

Not only in terms of personal health but also our collective health and the health of our planet, WAre What WEat. There is one place that nearly everything that matters most in this world converges – our forks. What we decide to put on our forks each meal affects not just ourselves, but also our communities and our precious planet.

Unfortunately, the industrial food system and the nutrient-poor, calorie-dense, high-sugar refined food it pumps out is causing most of the illnesses seen by doctors today. The harm the industrial food system is doing to our bodies is also part of a complex web of harm being done to the planet – to the degradation of our environment, air, and water, and to the future potential for our children to live healthy, vibrant lives.

How can you help?

 Put any extra money you have to work - If you want to put your money somewhere that will have an immediate and profound impact on the world’s biggest environmental, health, economic and political crises, please reach out. You can also donate online. Every dollar we receive will be used to increase the number of people eating sustainably.

Volunteer your time and skills - We are a grassroots movement that is looking to create lasting, systemic change. We need all the help we can get. Contact us and tell us what you can do.

Help tell our story - Share with your friends why you’ve joined WAWWE and encourage them to make the switch. Together we can grow a truly planet-friendly alternative.

If you would like to share our story in paper format, these documents help share our vision:

- WAWWE one pager

- Wide Ranging Impacts

- What is WAWWE?

- Food models compared

- WAWWE explained